%0 Journal Article %T Una especie nueva de Viguiera (Compositae, Heliantheae) del estado de Quer¨¦taro (M¨¦xico) %A Rzedowski %A Jerzy %A Calder¨®n de Rzedowski %A Graciela %J Acta bot¨¢nica mexicana %D 2011 %I Instituto de Ecolog¨ªa A.C. %X viguiera paneroana is described as new and illustrated. the species is only known from the sierra madre oriental in the state of quer¨¦taro (mexico), from an area near the border of san luis potos¨ª. according to the information supplied by drs. jos¨¦ l. panero and edward e. schlling, the dna sequences indicate that the species is located at the base of the section maculatae, although it does not belong properly to that section. %K heliantheae %K mexico %K viguiera %K taxonomy. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0187-71512011000400002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en