%0 Journal Article %T Estimaci車n de las proyecciones de las tasas de incidencia, prevalencia y mortalidad por c芍ncer de pr車stata en Arag車n (Espaˋa) %A Bernal %A M. %A Romero %A F.J. %A Souza %A D.L.B. %A G車mez-Bernal %A F.J. %A G車mez-Bernal %A G.J. %J Actas Urol車gicas Espaˋolas %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4321/S0210-48062011000800007 %X objective: the purpose of this study was to project prostate cancer prevalence, incidence rates and mortality over a 15-year period going from 2008 to 2022 for the aragon region of spain. methods: the projections were calculated using the miamod program. all-cause mortality due to prostate cancer for the baseline period of 1998 to 2007 was obtained from the spanish national institute of statistics. results: the prostate cancer incidence rates for the period 2008 to 2022 per 100,000 persons are projected to decrease from 47.57 to 26.68/100,000 (adjusted rates 24.9 to 12.93). mortality will decrease from 21.89 to 11.73 (adjusted rates 10.89 to 5.83) and prevalence from 277.07 cases/ 100,000 per year to 125.09 (adjusted rates 165.54 to 63.41). conclusions: these projections indicate that the prostate cancer incidence and its mortality rate will decrease in aragon (spain). %K prostate cancer %K cancer projections %K spain. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0210-48062011000800007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en