%0 Journal Article %T Retrasplante renal: factores de riesgo y resultados %A Arce %A J. %A Rosales %A A. %A Caffaratti %A J. %A Montlle¨® %A M. %A Guirado %A L. %A D¨ªaz %A J.M. %A Villavicencio %A H. %J Actas Urol¨®gicas Espa£¿olas %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4321/S0210-48062011000100013 %X objective: to review our experience in renal retransplantations. materials and methods: we carried out a retrospective study on 71 patients with retransplantation performed between 1980 and 2005. we studied: the characteristics of the recipient and graft, surgery data, causes of loss of the graft, number of rejects and transplantectomies and, survival of the graft. results: the most frequent cause of graft loss was chronic rejection. the causes of first graft loss were not associated with a greater loss of the second graft (p>0.05). the percentage of anti-hla antibodies increased in the second transplant in comparison to the first (17.23¡À27.91% vs. 1.21¡À7.43%) (p=0.001), however, it was not correlated with a significant increase in loss of the second graft (p=0.320). there were no significant differences between the complications of the first and second transplants (p>0.05) and they were not associated with graft loss (p>0.05). the patients with a transplantectomy in the first transplant presented a risk 8.5 times higher of undergoing a second one (p=0.0001; or: 8.54; ci: 95% 0.941 - 77.501). the most frequent cause of transplantectomies in the second transplant was acute rejection. acute rejection as a cause for transplantectomy in the first transplant proved to be an independent risk factor of transplantectomy of the second transplant (p=0.009). the mean survival of the second graft was 5.08¡À4.81 years, higher than the first transplant (p=0.133). the survival of the graft at 1.5 and 10 years was 83%, 75% and 52%, respectively. conclusions: the survival of the second transplant was not lower than the first, neither was there an increase in the number of complications. %K retransplantation %K risk factors %K graft survival. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0210-48062011000100013&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en