%0 Journal Article %T Reconstrucci車n del glande con injerto cut芍neo libre seg迆n t谷cnica de Bracka %A G車mez-Ferrer %A 芍. %A Rubio-Briones %A J. %A Collado %A A. %A Trassierra %A M. %A Casanova %A J. %A Monr車s %A J.L. %A Ric車s %A J.V. %A Bonillo %A M.芍. %A Iborra %A I. %A Solsona %A E. %J Actas Urol車gicas Espaˋolas %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4321/S0210-48062011000300012 %X introduction: we analyse our experience in the conservative surgical management of penile cancer and/or penile skin pathologies at our institution. material and methods: we have retrospectively reviewed all the skin grafting procedures performed in penile surgery in the last eight years. we show the indications and results of these surgical procedures and the detailed surgical technique originally described by bracka. results: ten patients had several types of partial penile removal surgery followed by free-skin graft resurfacing, creating a neoglans. there were no relevant or major complications; two patients suffered partial necrosis of the skin graft. there was no local recurrence. 6 patients returned to normal sexual activity after complete healing. conclusions: there is a significant number of patients with penile cancer and/or other penile skin pathologies who can undergo definitive and non-mutilating surgery with excellent oncologic, cosmetic and functional results with skin grafting. %K penile neoplasm %K free-skin graft %K reconstructive surgery. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0210-48062011000300012&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en