%0 Journal Article %T Estilos de pensamento em educa£¿£¿o em enfermagem: a produ£¿£¿o cient¨ªfica de tr¨ºs regi£¿es do Brasil %A Schveitzer %A Mariana Cabral %A Backes %A Vania Marli Schubert %A Cutolo %A Luiz Roberto Agea %A Viana %A Ligia de Oliveira %J Escola Anna Nery %D 2013 %I Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro %R 10.1590/S1414-81452013000100009 %X this study aimed to identify the thought styles of research groups in nursing education in three regions of brazil. method: qualitative research, exploratory and descriptive. results: northern region showed a style named liberating, characterized by a pedagogical stance based in dialogue. midwest region had a style named technicist-liberating, characterized by an intermediate pedagogical stance that shows exceptions to technicist education and at the same time growing appreciation of critical pedagogical approach. in the northeast appeared a style named technicist-liberating-effective, characterized by discussing the deployment of the national directions for nurse courses in the political pedagogical projects in the institutions of higher education. conclusion: the styles identified are in a constant movement, but it is relevant this time to identify liberating education and its effectiveness by the application of national directions as essential for the development of nursing education and its recognition. %K nursing %K nursing education %K research groups. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1414-81452013000100009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en