%0 Journal Article %T Vivenciando situa£¿£¿es de conflito no contexto da enfermagem: o esquete como estrat¨¦gia de ensino-aprendizagem %A Spagnol %A Carla Aparecida %A Monteiro %A Luciana Alves Silveira %A Paula %A Camila Leopoldino de %A Bastos %A Joana Melillo %A Honorato %A Joana Ang¨¦lica Grossi %J Escola Anna Nery %D 2013 %I Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro %R 10.1590/S1414-81452013000100026 %X in order to provide a pleasurable pedagogical relationship, from experiences perceived in reality, sketches were used as a teaching technique in the elective course "analysis of conflict situations experienced by nursing staff in the context of health care organizations", from the undergraduate nursing program of the school of nursing of the federal university of minas gerais. it aimed to evaluate the experiences of students enrolled in the course and who dramatized a real conflict situation. one group interviewed a practice nurse in a health service, seeking to understand a conflict experienced in their work environment, in order to dramatize the situation as it happened. another group, after analysis, should produce another outcome to the situation. the sketches related to the issue of organizational conflict management enabled students to put themselves in others' position and to have more elaborated reflections of the professional practice, reflecting on their conducts as future nurses. %K education %K nursing %K human resources formation %K conflict (psychology). %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1414-81452013000100026&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en