%0 Journal Article %T Interpolaci¨®n gravim¨¦trica para el c¨¢lculo de los n¨²meros geopotenciales de la red altim¨¦trica de Argentina en zonas de alta monta£¿a %A Villella %A Juan Carlos %A Pacino %A Mar¨ªa Cristina %J Geoacta %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the "geopotencial origin" working group (go) was born in 2000 at the subcommittee of geodesy of the iugg national committee. the main objective of this group is the organization of the activities for the establishment of the geopotential origin of the argentine altimetric network and to cooperate with group iii at sirgas project (geocentric reference system for south america), supported by international association of geodesy. working in permanent communication with group iii of sirgas, the go working group is formed of well-known argentine scientists and professionals, marked four worklines: (1) tide gauges. (2) geopotential numbers calculation. (3) linking with altimetric networks from neighbouring countries.(4) compensation of altimetric and gravimetric networks. focused on the second point, this research will be developed. %K geopotential numbers %K gravity interpolation %K vertical reference %K altimetric networks. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1852-77442010000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en