%0 Journal Article %T Intervenci¨®n psicol¨®gica en un caso de infertilidad femenina %A Regueiro ¨¢vila %A Ana Ma %A Valero Aguayo %A Lu¨ªs %J Escritos de Psicolog¨ªa (Internet) %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X this article describes the clinical case of a 30-year-old woman suffering with anxiety and depression problems provoked by an infertility problem and several unsuccessful attempts of assisted reproduction therapy. the study followed a single-case design with pre/post/follow-up assessment. after a functional analysis a cognitive-behavioral treatment program was designed with multicomponent variables. it was applied for 15 sessions and included: literature on infertility, relaxation training, gratifying tasks, managing feelings, training in problem solving and making decisions, visualization exercises and cognitive restructuring. the results showed progressive improvement in her mood and a gradual decrease in the levels of anxiety over the treatment period, with she fulfilled criteria for normality at the end-of-treatment. in the last session, the patient decided to have one final attempt at pregnancy through oocyte donation, before considering the possibility of adoption. a follow-up clinical session was established 1-month later showing that the anxiety and depression levels had decreased and that the patient was pregnant. she experienced a totally normal pregnancy and delivered 2 completely healthy girls. follow-up phone calls were made at 3, 6 and 13 months confirmed that the benefits had been retained. %K female infertility %K psychological treatment %K cognitive-behavioral %K anxiety %K depression. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1989-38092011000300003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en