%0 Journal Article %T Programa de revisi¨®n de vida apoyado en las nuevas tecnolog¨ªas para las personas mayores: Una aplicaci¨®n de tecnolog¨ªas positivas %A Etchemendy %A Ernestina %A Ba£¿os %A Rosa Mar¨ªa %A Botella %A Cristina %A Castilla %A Diana %J Escritos de Psicolog¨ªa (Internet) %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X a significant prevalence of depressive symptoms in the elderly population exists nowadays. however, few elderly people receive appropriate treatment for these ailments. among the available therapeutic options we come upon the life review technique. the aim of this paper is to present a therapy program for elderly people based on the life review technique through new technologies. the treatment programme is implemented in a technology platform for e-health (butler system) and focuses on training the retrieval of specific positive autobiographical memories. the technological tool is aimed at enriching the therapeutic technique of life review, providing resources that can assist and enhance the professional work both inside and outside the therapeutic space. %K old age %K life review %K depression %K new technologies %K autobiographic memory. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1989-38092010000100001&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en