%0 Journal Article %T Aspectos t¨¦cnicos y caracterizaci¨®n del productor de durazno en el Estado de M¨¦xico, M¨¦xico %A Larqu¨¦ Saavedra %A Bertha Sof¨ªa %A Sangerman-Jarqu¨ªn %A Dora Ma. %A Ram¨ªrez Valverde %A Benito %A Navarro Bravo %A Agust¨ªn %A Serrano Flores %A Mar¨ªa Elena %J Agricultura t¨¦cnica en M¨¦xico %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the peach crop in mexico has a planted area of 45 584 ha and average yield of 4.6 t ha-1, generating a production value of $ 1 185 558. in the center of the country, the state of mexico is third in the production of this fruit. in the state, the county of coatepec de harinas, has a planted area of, 1 988 ha, an average yield of 14.8 t ha-1 and a production volume of 29 350 t. the study was conducted in 2007 to analyze the technical aspects of production and type of peach farmer. the sampling method used was a simple random sample with proportional allocation to the size of the stratum, which consisted of applying a questionnaire with closed and open questions to 50 ejidal (communal) producers and smallholders. the results indicated that major technical problems were: agronomic management, fruit quality, size of the orchard and the markets in which they sell their product. in relation to farmers, there is a need to promote their organization seeking to secure financial support for production and timely marketing, to facilitate the direct sale to consumers or to wholesale and to add value to their product. %K prunus persica l. batsch. %K characterization technical %K farmer %K typology. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0568-25172009000300007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en