%0 Journal Article %T Herbert A. Simon y su monoman¨ªa: El comportamiento humano como comportamiento artificial %A Ibarra Colado %A Eduardo %J Gesti¨®n y pol¨ªtica p¨²blica %D 2010 %I Centro de Investigaci¨®n y Docencia Econ¨®micas %X the article advances a critical assessment of the conception of human behavior as artificial behavior proposed by herbert a. simon. it highlights some of their implications in the context of a society characterized by the complex articulation between freedom and control. the main argument stresses the paradoxical nature of the hypothesis that sustains that the computers could do any work made by a person, showing that perhaps what it really poses is that any person must do his work as if they were a computer. this current discussion aims to highlight the relevance and actuality of simon's contributions in his book the sciences of the artificial to understand the principles under which has been improved the design of that artificial iron cage we call modernity. %K human behavior %K models %K bounder rationality %K sciences of the artificial %K modernity. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1405-10792010000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en