%0 Journal Article %T Psiloideos y cicad¨¦lidos en el cultivo de la papa en el Baj¨ªo, Guanajuato, M¨¦xico %A Mar¨ªn Jarillo %A Antonio %A Bujanos Mu£¿iz %A Rafael %A Delgadillo S¨¢nchez %A Felipe %J Agricultura t¨¦cnica en M¨¦xico %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the aim of this study was to identify the psylloids and leafhoppers present at one locality in the potato production region of the state of guanajuato, mexico. the work was carried out during two crop cycles in 2003, using yellow traps with water. the genera and species of psylloids collected were: bactericera cockerelli (sulcer.), paracarsidara gigantea (crawford), paratrioza maculipenis crawford, heteropsilla texana crawford, and rhinopsylla prob antennata (crawford). the genera and species of leafhoppers collected were: carneocephala sp., empoasca kraemeri ross & moore, e. mexara ross & moore and e. solana delong., elymana sp., oncopsis sp.,phera centrolineata (signoret), scaphytopius sp., agallia barretti ball, paraphlepsius sp., agalliopsis sp., aceratagallia sp. and draeculacephala minerva ball. %K leafhoppers %K potato %K psylloids. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0568-25172009000100012&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en