%0 Journal Article %T Alina, nueva variedad de cebada maltera para riego en El Baj¨ªo %A Solano Hern¨¢ndez %A Salom¨®n %A Zamora D¨ªaz %A Mauro %A G¨¢mez V¨¢zquez %A Francisco Pa¨²l %A Garc¨ªa Rodr¨ªguez %A Juan Jos¨¦ %A S¨¢nchez de la Cruz %A Ricardo %A Ireta Moreno %A Javier %A D¨ªaz Espino %A Febronio %A Garza Garc¨ªa %A Ram¨®n %J Agricultura t¨¦cnica en M¨¦xico %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X malting barley in the bajio region, represents one of the most important crops due to its industrial use, approximately 50 thousand hectares are annually planted under irrigation in the autumn-winter cycle.. to develop the new cultivar 'alina', the pedigree method was utilized in a double-cross, for that selections were held alternately in the fields of the experimental stations bajio in guanajuato and valley of mexico during the f2 to f7 generations. alina is tolerant to strip yellow rust (puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei), powdery mildeu (erisiphe graminis f. sp. hordei) and leaf rust (puccinia hordei).and overcomes the yield of commercial cultivar 'esperanza' by 18% in the bajio region. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0568-25172009000400012&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en