%0 Journal Article %T El potencial de agua del sustrato en la germinaci¨®n de ma¨ªces con tolerancia y sensibilidad a la sequ¨ªa %A Tsougkrianis %A Nikolaos %A Pe£¿a-Valdivia %A Cecilia Beatriz %A Trejo L¨®pez %A Carlos %A Molina Gal¨¢n %A Jos¨¦ Domingo %J Agricultura t¨¦cnica en M¨¦xico %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the objective of this study was to characterize seed germination of drought sensitive and tolerant maize in laboratory conditions. cafime o, qpm (quality protein maize) h519, tuxpe£¿o sequia c0 and zacatecas 58 o, drought sensitive, and cafime sm16 sequia, tuxpe£¿o sequia c8 and zacatecas 58 sm19 sequia, drought tolerant cultivars, were evaluated. the seeds were germinated in vermiculite with ¦×w of-0.03 mpa (well watered), -1.28, -1.41, -1.58 y -2.05 mpa (with 6% of humidity), were weighted every 12 h and the percentage of water absorbed and germination was calculated. the maximum imbibition (up to germination) in the ¦×w of -0.03 mpa of all cultivars was significantly major compared with the other ¦×w evaluated and it reached between 40% and 70%, in variable times between the cultivars, from 48 h (cv. caf. seq.) untill 170 h (cv tux. seq. c8). the cafime sm16 and zac. 58 sm19 cultivars reached maximum germination four times higher with the ¦×w of -2.05 mpa compared with their respective drought sensitive cultivars. the drought tolerance of some drought tolerant cultivars, like cafime sm16, is expressed since the germination stage; even though this respond contrasts between cultivars. some drought tolerant cultivars react negatively at the high substrate ¦×w and reach germination percentages significantly higher when the substrate ¦×w is significantly lower, between -1.28 and -1.58 mpa. %K water deficit %K vermiculite %K zea mays l. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0568-25172009000400001&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en