%0 Journal Article %T Situaci¨®n actual y nuevos retos de la distribuci¨®n minorista de productos ecol¨®gicos en Espa£¿a %A Briz de Felipe %A Teresa %A Garc¨ªa Garc¨ªa %A Ana Isabel %J Agroalimentaria %D 2008 %I Universidad de los Andes %X in the last decade, the organic sector has been increasing worldwide at a very fast rate. spain has been no different, and within europe, it has been one of the countries with the greatest growth rate with reference to area and manufacturer as well as commercial value. in this article, some conclusions from a universidad polit¨¦cnica de madrid project concerning the ecological products chain are discussed. in it, the weaknesses of the spanish organic sector are analyzed, so what is present here is related to the distribution sector. the methodology followed included carrying out personal interviews to 340 businesses managers where ecological products are sold. the need for a firm structure in this young sector given the many obstacles it presents is among the general conclusions, which can be pointed out. also, problems of commercialization, due to the lack of a stable distribution chain as well as the lack of information and promotion of these products is presented. %K agriculture %K ecological production %K retailing distribution %K commercialization %K spain. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1316-03542008000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en