%0 Journal Article %T Altas densidades con despunte temprano en rendimiento y per¨ªodo de cosecha en chile pimiento %A Cruz Huerta %A Nicacio %A S¨¢nchez del Castillo %A Felipe %A Ortiz Cereceres %A Joaqu¨ªn %A Mendoza Castillo %A Ma. del Carmen %J Agricultura t¨¦cnica en M¨¦xico %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the present research was carried out with the aim of determining the effect of plant stand combined with early pruning of the terminal buds on yield and length of harvest period in bell pepper. the experiment was carried out under soil-less culture conditions in a greenhouse at texcoco, estado de mexico, mexico, from 2004. the cv. ariane was utilized. three treatments were studied: 3.3 plants m2 with no pruning (control), 8 plants m2 with pruning above the fourth stem bifurcation and 14 plants m2 with pruning above the third stem bifurcation. a randomized block design with three replications was used. marketable fruit yield per plant and per m2 and lai were recorded. fruit yield was 873 g per plant in the control as compared to 604 and 404 g at 8 and 14 plants m2, respectively; however, yield per area basis was greater under high plant stands (5.63 and 4.83 kg m2 at 14 and 8 plants m2, respectively) as compared to the control (2.88 kg m-2). a high plant stand combined with early pruning of the terminal buds, significantly increased yield per unit area in bell pepper and showed potential to reduce the harvest period for specific market windows. %K capsicum annuum l. %K hydroponic %K greenhouse. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0568-25172009000100007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en