%0 Journal Article %T Costos ambientales en zonas de coyuntura agr¨ªcola: La horticultura en Sayula (M¨¦xico) %A Mac¨ªas Mac¨ªas %A Alejandro %J Agroalimentaria %D 2008 %I Universidad de los Andes %X for about twenty years in sayula, the agro-industrial production of vegetables was carried out by companies from other regions of the country, which valued the territory like agricultural juncture zones as they had done in other parts of mexico. this productive model, where practices like intensive agriculture and monocultures predominate, has generated a diversity of environmental effects, whose monetary quantification becomes important to take corrective measures. in this article, the author applied a survey to a sample of sayula population (m¨¦xico), in order to inquiry about its perception of consequences of such production, as well as to estimate their economic cost, by using the contingent valuation method. %K agricultural conjuncture zones %K environmental costs %K vegetables %K contingent valuation %K sayula %K mexico. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1316-03542008000100008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en