%0 Journal Article %T Tama£¿o de part¨ªcula y relaci¨®n micromorfol¨®gica en propiedades f¨ªsicas de perlita y zeolita %A Anicua S¨¢nchez %A Rosa %A Guti¨¦rrez Castorena %A Ma. del Carmen %A S¨¢nchez Garc¨ªa %A Prometeo %A Ortiz Solorio %A Carlos %A Volke Halle %A Victor H. %A Rubi£¿os Panta %A Juan Enrique %J Agricultura t¨¦cnica en M¨¦xico %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the selection of growth media is based upon its water retention capacity and drainage; however, there is a limited knowledge of the type, form and arrangement of the particles that determine these characteristics. the objective was to determine the physical (particle density, total porosity, air capacity, readily available water, reserve water, less available water, and solid material) and micromorphological properties of different particle size of perlite and zeolite. the study was carried out at the colegio de postgraduados, texcoco, estado de mexico, mexico, in 2006. the particle sizes were >3.36, 2.00, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25 and <0.13 mm. the study of pores and particles was made by impregnating thin resin sections of substrates; the studied parameters were: size, abundance, shape, surface roughness, and distribution. a completely random block design with 3 replications was used. results showed that shape, size, packing, internal and external porosity of particles determines the physical properties of growth media, that vary in function of particle size and differ in water retention capacity and water movement. %K internal and external porosity %K growing media %K water release curve. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0568-25172009000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en