%0 Journal Article %T Pasos metodol¨®gicos para el an¨¢lisis cuantitativo y cartogr¨¢fico del conflicto armado en Colombia Un estudio de caso %A Espinosa %A Nicol¨¢s %A Valderrama %A Daniel %J Estudios Pol¨ªticos %D 2011 %I Universidad de Antioquia %X this article contains some methodological considerations that were implemented for the quantitative, statistically and spatially analysis about the dynamics of the recent armed conflict in the colombian state of antioquia, ''colombian observatory for integral development, citizens coexistence and institutional strengthening (odecofi). centre of excellence. also, the article anticipates some of the research findings in the analysis of these dynamics in the region of oriente antioque£¿o with the porpouse of shown how the methodological design is operated in a concrete case. %K armed conflict %K cartography %K violence %K social research methodology %K antioquia %K colombia. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-51672011000200009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en