%0 Journal Article %T Competitividad de M¨¦xico en el mercado de frutas y hortalizas de estados unidos de Am¨¦rica,1989-2009 %A Mac¨ªas Mac¨ªas %A Alejandro %J Agroalimentaria %D 2010 %I Universidad de los Andes %X the production and exports of fruits and vegetables had become the most dynamic area of its mexican agriculture during the last decades. today, mexico is great exporter of these products, as a result of the free trade initiated in the last decade of the xx century. nevertheless, in spite of his strengths, a characteristic feature of this kind of agriculture has been its concentration: in few products, few regions and few markets. in addition, a competitiveness analysis of main mexican fruits and vegetables exported to the united states reveals that such country is still a leader, and that it competes today with other nations which are winning market shares. this is a key element to be considering in the near future, due to the advantages of mexican agroexporter sector could diminish. %K fruit and vegetables %K competitiveness %K mexico %K market concentration %K regional integration %K nafta. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1316-03542010000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en