%0 Journal Article %T £¿Adi¨®s a la democracia? Un an¨¢lisis de las propuestas de paz en el gobierno de ¨¢lvaro Uribe V¨¦lez y su incidencia en las instituciones democr¨¢ticas %A de Gamboa Tapias %A Camila %J Estudios de Filosof¨ªa %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X abstract: the aim of this article is to offer an analysis of the peace policies of uribe v¨¦lez£¿s government and their effects on colombian democratic institutions and political culture. i will not evaluate directly if the said peace policies were successful in ending the internal political conflict of colombia, but rather to show that the link between a weak institutional democracy, such as colombia`s, the great influence of uribe v¨¨lez`s personality in the political imaginary and his projects of democratic security and of a communitarian state, in so far as these projects were part of his peace policies. the central thesis i defend in this article is that precisely colombia`s democratic weakness enabled that a policy such as ¨¢lvaro uribe`s in relation to peace was supported by a large part of the population, even though this policy instead of strengthening democracy weakened more its institutions and political culture. %K ¨¢lvaro uribe v¨¦lez£¿s peace policies %K weak democracy %K political culture %K democratic security %K political violence. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-36282010000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en