%0 Journal Article %T DICE THROWN FROM THE BEGINNING?: AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF DETERMINANTS OF FIRM LEVEL GROWTH EXPECTATIONS %A TERJESEN %A SIRI %A SZERB %A L¨¢SZL¨® %J Estudios de econom¨ªa %D 2008 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0718-52862008000200003 %X this study investigates three competing but complementar^ perspectives onfactors related to entrepreneurial firm growth. we examine individual (entrepreneur) firm and national environment factors associated with the growth expectations ofnascent, baby and establishedfirms. using 25,384 data pointsfrom global ¨¦ntrepreneurship monitor (gem) 's survey of entrepreneurial activity in 35 countries, we find mole gender, personal acquaintance with an entrepreneur, innovative product/service, low levels of competition and based in less-developed countries are associated with high growth expectations for all three business stages. nascent and baby firms' business growth expectations are also linked to having higher levels of start-up capital and outside investment. in contrast to some previous research, wefind that a firm 's initial size is the best predictor of growth expectations. altogether, size-relatedfactors determine not only initial growth expectations, but also growth expectations at laterfirm stages. the law of disproportionate growth (le. a small number of firms are responsible for most expectedjob creation) holdsfor both start-ups and established busines-ses, although the latter are more rare. while both start-up and established firm growth expectations are higher in the developing countries, thefastest growing young firms are mainlyfound in developed countries. %K entrepreneurship %K firm growth expectations %K develop vs. developing countries. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0718-52862008000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en