%0 Journal Article %T Historia y ontolog¨ªa en M¨¦xico: 50 a£¿os de revoluci¨®n %A Hurtado %A Guillermo %J Estudios de historia moderna y contempor¨¢nea de M¨¦xico %D 2010 %I Instituto de Investigaciones Hist¨®ricas, UNAM %X the contribution of edmundo o'gorman to the work entitled mexico: 50 years of revolution is analyzed in this work. in his essay, o'gorman offers an interpretation of the idea of mexico in mexican historiography and of its ontological assumptions. after examining o'gorman's stance, i have undertaken the task of responding to the question of whether his proposal strengthens or weakens the official view of the mexican revolution, particularly, its most sophisticated version, offered by certain outstanding philosophers and intelligentsia of that era. i first present a description of this work, m¨¦xico: 50 a£¿os de revoluci¨®n, to understand the specific context of o'gorman's essay. %K edmundo o'gorman %K mexican revolution %K history of ideas %K philosophy of the mexican revolution %K fiftieth anniversary of the mexican revolution %K administration of adolfo l¨®pez mateos. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0185-26202010000100004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en