%0 Journal Article %T Influencia de dos sistemas de labranza y profundidades de siembra sobre caracter¨ªsticas agron¨®micas de la yuca en sabanas bien drenadas del estado Monagas %A Editor %A Rivas %A Silva-Acu£¿a %A Ram¨®n %A Barrios %A Renny %A Mark %A Delvalle %A Coa %A Pedro %A L¨®pez %A Lorenzo %A Fari£¿as %A Jos¨¦ %A Sanabria %A Damelys %A Marcano %A Miguelina %J Agronom¨ªa Tropical %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X this work was conducted in the santa barbara experimental field, santa barbara county of national institute of de agricultural research, monagas-venezuela, during the period 2007-2008. the objective was to evaluate the systems of direct (sd) sowing and conventional (cs) under different depths of seeding (0.05 and 0.10 m) in the cultivation of cassava. the experimentl plot had 60 m, and it was used a split plot design, with 4 repetitions. the evaluated variables were: plant height (ph), stem diameter (sd), total number of roots (tnr), yield, harvest effort, percentage of starch and dry matter. the statistical analysis did not show significant differences (p£¿t0,05) for the interaction systems of soil preparation and planting depth, in any of the variables; however, significant differences (p¡ê0,05) were observed when the comparison was made between the systems of soil preparation in the variables ph and tnr. in the sd sowing it was observed a positive correlation p¡ê0,05) between stem diameter and ph, height and effort of harvesting, sd and yield. in the cs, the correlation was positive (p¡ê0,05) between percentage of starch and tnr, and between effort of harvesting and tnr %K manihot esculenta crantz %K direct sowing %K conventional tillage %K total root %K harvest effort. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0002-192X2009000400002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en