%0 Journal Article %T Efecto del tama£¿o del bot¨®n floral sobre la inducci¨®n de embriones som¨¢ticos en cacao %A D¨ªaz-L¨®pez %A Andy A %A Vel¨¢squez Salazar %A Rosal¨ªa %A Chirinos %A Maril¨² %J Agronom¨ªa Tropical %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the traditional propagation methods (sexual and asexual) in the cultivation of cocoa, theobroma cacao l., have not been the most convenient because plants grow up with undesirable agronomic characteristic by the producers. at present, the somatic embryogenesis seemed to be the most suitable way to produce cocoa plants of economic importance. however, obtaining es is not possible for many genotypes because it is a recalcitrant crop and induction is influenced by a lot of factors. the objective of this study was determined the effect of the length of the flower bud (bf) has on the induction of cocoa somatic embryos (ies) from floral structure of the genotypes ocumare-61, ocumare-67, choroni-42 and choroni-163. the callus induction (ic) was achieved by staminodes explants growing in dkw medium supplemented with tdz, 2,4-d y 80 g l-1 of saccharose. the proembriogenic structures were transferred to dkw medium supplemented with amino acids and kno3, under conditions of darkness and 27¡À2 oc to object of induce the development of somatic embryos and to diminish the necrosis of the tissue by effect of phenolics products. after a month of culture a genotypic response was observed on the induction of callus, the best answer was observed in the genotype oc-61, continued by oc-67, cho-43 and cho-163. the last one showed the smallest percentage of formation of callus per experimental unit. an organogenic response was observed, roots formation, in all genotypes evaluated; when these callus were cultivated in a medium for embryos development, the percentage and average number of roots for explante varied with the genotype %K organogenesis %K somatic embryogenesis %K staminodes %K theoborma cacao l. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0002-192X2009000400012&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en