%0 Journal Article %T Procedimientos post-cosecha y calidad post-embarque de ca£¿as de Dracaena marginata para exportaci¨®n %A Gonz¨¢lez-Lutz %A Mar¨ªa Isabel %A Dur¨¢n-Quir¨®s %A Alfredo %A Mora-Acedo %A Dennis %J Agronom¨ªa Mesoamericana %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X post-harvest procedures and post-handling quality of stems of dracaena marginata for export. in order to determine the effect of pre-packaging treatments on the final quality of dracaena marginata cane for export, we performed a simulation of post-harvest shipping conditions and the following effects on root and leaf damage were evaluated: wet vs. dry leaves, hydrated vs. non- hydrated plants before packaging, waxed vs. unwaxed leaves, cytokinin vs no cytokinin application prior to harvesting, plants that kept the aluminum vs. plants in which the aluminum was removed from the air-layer before covering with black plastic. regarding root damage, wetting the plants before packaging gave better results than not doing it, except when compared with the application of wax or citokinins. hydrating the plants before packaging increased the number of burned leaves in comparison with the other treatments. applying wax to the leaves significantly increased the number of lost and rotten leaves, when compared with the rest of the treatments. citokinin application before harvesting and wetting the leaves before packaging, improved the condition of the leaves compared to the control. no difference in root damage was caused by removing or leaving the aluminum on the air-layer. %K post-harvest treatment %K ornamental plants %K cytokinins %K antitranspirant wax. %U http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1659-13212011000100016&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en