%0 Journal Article %T Procesos de gesti¨®n p¨˛blica innovadora: el caso de los m¨®dulos de atenci¨®n a migrantes en Baja California %A Moreno Mena %A Jos¨¦ Ascenci¨®n %J Estudios fronterizos %D 2010 %I Universidad Autonoma de baja California %X two examples that allow surmising the possibilities and obstacles of strategic alliances between the civil society and local governments seeking to develop programs that help solve the problems the community demands are featured in this research. the studies that were analyzed take place in the state of baja california, and are based on documentary information and on interviews with key informants, which in this case, are the program leaders. the first of them has to do with the experience of a migrant support office in mexicali, which is under the exclusive direction of a civil organization; while the second entails a program for the attention of migrants that were deported from the united states, whereby such program has been used by the federal government to spearhead a more encompassing public policy in the regional sphere. the two examples portray innovative public stewardship cases. the breakthroughs and obstacles to carry out such types of processes are presented. furthermore, it is concluded that these two examples may be the seed of a new governance. %K public policies %K associated management %K civil organizations. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0187-69612010000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en