%0 Journal Article %T Caracterizaci¨®n de los patrones alimentarios para los hogares en M¨¦xico y Sonora, 2005-2006 %A Borb¨®n-Morales %A Carlos %A Robles Valencia %A Arturo %A Huesca Reynoso %A Luis %J Estudios fronterizos %D 2010 %I Universidad Autonoma de baja California %X this paper shows a descriptive analysis about the characterization of the consumption's pattern in mexico and sonora, by determining how much money is spent in households and the proportion that those intended to consume on goods and services. income level is considered to account for such classification. a comparison between the patterns of consumption is made for mexico and sonora in 2005, by emphasizing on food expenditures and some specific food products such as vegetables; including tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. the study also performs a look into the spending behavior in mexico from 2000 to 2006, by contrasting the hypothesis of modigliani and friedman (dornbusch, 2004; camacho, 2000) and the mathematical formulation of campbell and mankiw (1989) on the assumption of the society's consumption. it finally outlines a series of proposals for future studies. %K consumption's patterns %K spending %K distribution %K income %K households. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0187-69612010000100007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en