%0 Journal Article %T Nuevos hospederos y registros de ¨¢caros fit¨®fagos para Costa Rica: per¨ªodo 2008-2012 %A Aguilar %A Hugo %A Murillo %A Pamela %J Agronom¨ªa Costarricense %D 2012 %I Universidad de Costa Rica %X the phytophagous mite species identified for costa rica from 2008 to 2012 are updated. plant material provided by growers, technicians, students, and interested public, as well as that collected by laboratory of acarology staff, was identified. sixty-three new host plants grouped in 29 families, for 5 families of phytophagous mites, are mentioned. tetranychus urticae, family tetranychidae, was the second species as to number of hosts, being found on 12 new plants. moreover, other species within the family were found, i.e. eutetranychus banksi, mononychellus planki, oligonychus peronis, o. pratensis, o. punicae, o. ununguis, o. yothersi, paraponychus corderoi, tetranychus cinnabarinus, t. ludeni, t. mexicanus, and 3 species in this genus which were not identified. four species in the family tenuipalpidae are recorded: brevipalpus californicus, b. gliricidiae, b. obovatus, and b. phoenicis. within the family tarsonemidae, phytonemus pallidus is reported, as well as polyphagotarsonemus latus, with 15 new registers, the species with the largest number of hosts on this new period; steneotarsonemus ananas is also reported, associated with pineapple. from the family eriophyidae, abacarus doctus, recently described as a new species, is reported associated with sugarcane in the country; likewise calepitrimerus muesebecki, related to avocado, and 2 species of exposed, un-described eriophyids. retracrus johnstoni, family phytoptidae, was collected from heliconia latispatha, family heliconiaceae, first record of a mite in this genus associated with a family other than arecaceae. lastly, field diagnosis is also offered for some chosen species within the 5 families studied. %K acari %K tetranychidae %K tenuipalpidae %K tarsonemidae %K eriophyidae %K phytoptidae %K ¨¢caros fit¨®fagos %K acari %K tetranychidae %K tenuipalpidae %K tarsonemidae %K eriophyidae %K phytoptidae %K plant feeding mites. %U http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0377-94242012000200001&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en