%0 Journal Article %T Relaciones h¨ªdricas y temperaturas altas en frijol del tipo ¡°flor de mayo¡± %A Barrios-G¨®mez %A Edwin Javier %A L¨®pez-Casta£¿eda %A C¨¢ndido %A Kohashi-Shibata %A Josu¨¦ %J Agronom¨ªa Costarricense %D 2011 %I Universidad de Costa Rica %X soil water deficit and high air temperature effects on plant water relations and canopy temperature (ct), and seed yield (sy) and its components in 8 ¡°flor de mayo¡± (fm) bean varieties and a landrace were studied. three experiments were carried on under field conditions; montecillo irrigation (mi) with watering from sowing to maturity, montecillo rain-fed (mrf) with rainfall as the only source of water and celaya rain-fed (crf) with rainfall + 2 supplementary waterings at flowering. rates of 80 kg.ha-1 nitrogen and 40 kg.ha-1 phosphorous were used. leaf water (¦×=-0.33 mpa), osmotic (¦Ğ=-1.26 mpa) and turgor (p=0.93 mpa) potentials at mi were higher than at crf (¦×=-0.77, ¦Ğ=-1.36 y p=0.59 mpa) and mrf (¦×=-1.22, ¦Ğ=-1.57 y p=0.35 mpa); mrf with a greater soil water deficit, showed greater reduction in ¦× and ¦Ğ and higher capacity for osmotic adjustment (oa). oa was positive and significantly related to seed yield (sy) and final aerial biomass (fabm) in the 2 rain-fed environments. canopy temperature (ct) at mi (26.7¡ãc) was lower than at crf (30.8¡ãc) and mrf (36.6¡ãc); the heat stress effect increased with the drop in plant water content in the driest environment (mrf); ct was negative and significantly associated with ¦× and ¦Ğ at mrf. the high ct also had a significant effect in the fabm and sy, and its components; high ct reduced sy, fabm, number of normal pods.m-2 (np.m-2) and weight of 100 seeds (w100s) by 12.5, 10.7, 10.2 y 3.4% for each oc (-1oc) increase in ct, respectively. %K water %K osmotic and turgor potentials %K osmotic adjustment %K heat %K canopy temperature %K irrigation %K rainfed. %U http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0377-94242011000100007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en