%0 Journal Article %T A percep£¿£¿o dos professores de Ensino Fundamental sobre a crian£¿a com epilepsia na escola em Santa Catarina %A Schlindwein-Zanini %A Rachel %A Cruz %A Roberto Moraes %A Zavareze %A Ta¨ªs Evangelho %J Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology %D 2011 %I Liga Brasileira de Epilepsia %R 10.1590/S1676-26492011000100003 %X the epilepsy is a chronic neurological disturb, with psicossocial, physical, educational and neuropsychological repercussions. objectives: to verify the perception of professors of the basic education florian¨®polis/sc concerning the child with epilepsy, and to investigate the level of knowledge of the teachers about the epilepsy. method: the "questionnaire of perception stigma for professors of the first degree" (fernandes and souza,2004) was used in 37 professors of the basic education of 4 schools (3 private and 1 public) of florian¨®polis/sc. results and conclusion: was verified that the average of age of the participants was of 37 years and 8 months, having in its majority complete graduation on university. the teachers of the public school had greater level of instruction in relation to others (x 2=8.852, p=0.034). the majority indicated regular or insufficient knowledge (n=24) on epilepsy. concerning the auto-evaluation on the level of knowledge of teachers, to protect the head is important (x2=9.931, p=0.033) and to remain next to child. the majority believes that the child must frequent school common (n=35). the professors had been divided in relation the practical of physical activities. the majority relates that the epilepsy is caused by genetic factors. the information promotion is valid, searching social insertion and understanding of the condition of the child with epilepsy in the school. %K epilepsy %K education %K school %K information. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1676-26492011000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en