%0 Journal Article %T Henry Mayhew: jornalista, investigador social e precursor da pesquisa qualitativa %A Nunes %A Everardo Duarte %J Hist¨®ria, Ci¨ºncias, Sa¨²de-Manguinhos %D 2012 %I Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz %R 10.1590/S0104-59702012000300009 %X as a journalist, henry mayhew recorded daily life in london in the latter half of the nineteenth century. his approach remains of interest to historians and social scientists today in that it foreshadowed qualitative research. the article highlights methodological aspects of mayhew's investigations and analyzes two of his reports, one on a cholera outbreak and the other on a female street vendor. it also addresses some analyses that have critiqued his work. %K henry mayhew (1812-1887) %K social history %K cholera %K street vendor %K nineteenth-century london. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0104-59702012000300009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en