%0 Journal Article %T Lic¨®fitas e monil¨®fitas das Unidades de Conserva£¿£¿o da Usina Hidroel¨¦trica - UHE de Tucuru¨ª, Par¨¢, Brasil %A Fernandes %A Rozijane Santos %A Maciel %A Sebasti£¿o %A Pietrobom %A Marcio Roberto %J Hoehnea %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S2236-89062012000200007 %X this work presents a survey of lycophytes and monilophytes in the conservation unit named zonas de preserva£¿£¿o da vida silvestre da usina hidrel¨¦trica de tucuru¨ª, par¨¢ state, brazil. this conservation unit is located at southeastern par¨¢ and comprises about 29,700 ha, composed mainly of tropical rainforest. our results recorded 18 families, 37 genera and 82 species. the richest family is pteridaceae, with 21 species, and adiantum is the richest genus, with 14 species. three species are new records for par¨¢ state: didymoglossum ovale, danaea nodosa, and pecluma hygrometrica. furthermore, two new species were identified. one has already been described, thyelypteris amazonica. the other new species belongs to the genus adiantum and shall be published soon. the floristic richness of the area, associated with the taxonomic novelties, attests for its biological importance and for the necessity of increasing the efforts on research and conservation of the study area. %K amazon forest %K fern %K floristic. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S2236-89062012000200007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en