%0 Journal Article %T Sobre los referentes valorativos, su relaci¨®n con el hablante y la construcci¨®n de la propia posici¨®n como conductor en los discursos presidenciales: Un estudio cuanti-cualitativo con el algoritmo David Liberman (ADL) %A Maldavsky %A David %A Argibay %A Juan Carlos %A Plut %A Sebasti¨¢n %A De Simone %A Luj¨¢n %A Otalora %A Julieta %J Subjetividad y procesos cognitivos %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X in this study we examine the value referents, their relation with the speaker and the construction of own standpoint as leader, in both discourses (assumption of office and balcony) of two argentine presidents: carlos sa¨²l menem (csm) and cristina fern¨¢ndez de kirchner (cfk). in addition, we¡äre interested in perceiving whether certain features of these discourses allow to infer "gender" constraints and if other features highlight further distinctive aspects of each speaker and the national context of the moment. our objectives consist in detecting if there are evident differences 1) between the speeches of one president and the other, attributable to differences between national political contexts, and the way each of them presents himself / herself as governor of the nation and 2) between the two speeches of the same president, which could be attributed to the corresponding context, consisting of the direct recipients of the words of each of the speakers. %K political discourse %K word nets %K speech acts %K frequency distribution %K quanti-quali research. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1852-73102012000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en