%0 Journal Article %T Investigaci¨®n de los aportes positivos y negativos de paciente y terapeuta a la alianza terap¨¦utica: Un estudio con el algoritmo David Liberman (ADL) %A Maldavsky %A David %A Scilletta %A Delia %A Perez Zamb¨®n %A Silvina %A ¨˘lvarez %A Liliana H %A Sneiderman %A Susana %J Subjetividad y procesos cognitivos %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the authors undertake the study of the contributions of patient and therapist to the therapeutic alliance. for this purpose, after presenting a session (sample), they analyze the wishes and the defenses (as well as their state) in the narrations of a patient and in the speech acts of patient and therapist. subsequently they remark that there are no coincidences between the results of the studies of the main narrations and those of the speech acts of patient and therapist, but that there are coincidences between the results of the studies of the wishes and the defenses of the speech acts of patient and therapist. both bear the same combination of wishes as well as of functional and pathogenic defenses. the authors infer that both patient and therapist are engaged, to some extent, in positive collaborative work from a clinical perspective but also, to some extent, in a resistential alliance that blocks the therapeutic task. %K narrations %K speech acts %K wishes %K defenses %K therapeutic alliance. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1852-73102011000100006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en