%0 Journal Article %T Potassium, calcium and copper phosphite to control peach rust and brown rot %A Kowata %A Ligia S %A Alves %A Giselda %A Moreira %A Luciene M %A May-De Mio %A Louise L. %J Idesia (Arica) %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0718-34292012000300012 %X the phosphites have been recommended as plant protectors and inducers of host resistance against diseases. three phosphite formulations (copper, potassium and calcium) were evaluated to control peach rust (tranzschelia discolor) and brown rot (monilinia fructicola), in an orchard with two cultivars: 'chimarrita' and 'br-1'. the phosphite treatments were applied out every 30 days from september to december. the incidence and severity of leaf rust were evaluated from november to january. the fruits were harvest and assessed to brown rot incidence after three and five days. the copper phosphite reduced the rust severity in 34.8% for 'chimarrita'. no phosphite formulation was efficient to control brown rot in the condition of the experiment. the cultivar 'chimarrita' was more susceptible than 'br1' in the evaluated diseases. %K induced resistance %K monilinia fructicola %K phosphorous acid %K tranzschelia discolor. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0718-34292012000300012&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en