%0 Journal Article %T Cefalea en la infancia: experiencia cl¨ªnica en la Unidad de Neuropediatr¨ªa del Hospital Doctor Miguel P¨¦rez Carre£¿o, Caracas, Venezuela %A Palencia Guti¨¦rrez %A Cervia Margarita %A Jaimes %A V¨ªctor Hugo %A Ca£¿izales Dur¨¢n %A Elizabeth %A Cornejo Ochoa %A Jos¨¦ William %A Machuca %A Josefa Carolina %A Guevara Col¨®n %A Rosa Isabel %A Carballo %A Esther Alicia %J Iatreia %D 2012 %I Universidad de Antioquia %X introduction: headache is common in children, and its frequency increases during adolescence; it is rarely related with severe diseases, but it does affect the quality of life. objective: to determine the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of headache in a cohort of children, to classify the episodes, and to evaluate responses to prophylactic treatment. methods: prospective, descriptive, longitudinal study. the following variables were analyzed: age, sex, perinatal and personal history, family history of headache, characteristics of the episode, prophylactic treatment and response to it. cases were classified according to the international headache society and the temporal pattern of episodes. results: schoolchildren and girls were more affected. family history of migraine was present in 64.7%. migraine without aura was predominant (63.9%). prophylactic treatment was given to 88.6% and responses to it were good in 88.2%. routinely done neuro-images studies and eeg were not useful. conclusion: although standardized criteria for the classification of headache in children are not available, an appropriate follow-up of symptoms must be done in order to validate the diagnostic criteria, and to reduce the negative impact on the quality of life. %K diet %K headache %K migraine with aura %K migraine without aura %K pediatrics %K tension-type headache. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-07932012000300005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en