%0 Journal Article %T £¿Dominaci¨®n como reconocimiento distorsionado?: Una aproximaci¨®n al problema desde la propuesta de A. Honneth %A Abril %A Francisco %J T£¿3picos %D 2012 %I Asociaci¨®n Revista de Filosof¨ªa de Santa Fe %X this article aims to explain how axel honneth analyzes the problem of domination in critique of power and struggle for recognition. in the first book, the author discusses how social groups build domination practices, without legitimizing them a posteriori. that conception of domination raises the following problem: includes honneth's proposal the fact that different groups consent to what habermas has called "superfluous forms of domination"? first, i will develop this problem as it is presented in critique of power; then, i will try to re-translate the question considering the concepts that honneth introduces in later works such as struggle for recognition. the ultimate goal is to understand the conflicts for recognition between different social groups, conflicts on which depend who are legitimate members of a community. %K domination %K moral agreement %K recognition %K struggle %K negative feelings. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1666-485X2012000100001&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en