%0 Journal Article %T Cuerpo extraˋo intrapulmonar (aguja) englobado por adenocarcinoma: Presentaci車n de un caso y revisi車n de la literatura %A Gonz芍lez Moreno %A Yoanys %A Costa %A Carlos L車pez %A Fr車meta Guerra %A Adonis %A Serrat G車mez %A Francisco %A Espinosa Santiesteban %A Yamila %J Revista americana de medicina respiratoria %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the intra-pulmonary foreign bodies usually enter to the organism for aspiration across the airway and can be extracted by bronchoscopy. it is slightly usual that do it across the skin, except when it is a question of penetrating injuries in thorax. one presents the case of a 60-year-old, alcoholic, smoking male, who consults for pain in top sideward, difficulty in breathing of effort, debility and loss of weight. in the studies of images (x-ray photography of thorax and axial tomography computerized) one detects a tumor that it is born central and occupies the whole top right lobe, which includes partially foreign body (needle) that had entered to the thorax several years before for transcutaneous route, which the patient did not remember. it was realized trans thoracic needle biopsy and it was diagnosed pulmonary adenocarcinoma. apparently causal relation did not exist between the appearance of the neoplasia and the foreign body. the literature is checked on the topic. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1852-236X2011000200007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en