%0 Journal Article %T Mejoramiento de Procesos clave a trav¨¦s del an¨¢lisis del Valor A£¿adido en Empresas de Base Tecnol¨®gica de Producciones por Proyecto del Sector Hidr¨¢ulico en Cuba %A Hern¨¢ndez Oro %A Reina Mayl¨ªn %A Medina Le¨®n %A Alberto A. %A Hern¨¢ndez P¨¦rez %A Gilberto D. %J Visi£¿3n de futuro %D 2012 %I Universidad Nacional de Misiones %X in this paper, we present the main results of research designed to improve key business processes, using a procedure designed for this purpose, and which includes among its main stages, the analysis of value added by activity, adapting to technology based companies¡¯ productions by one of the water sector project in cuba. the procedure consistently combines different techniques such as multi-criteria decision analysis for selection of the key processes and analysis of value added by activity to identify key processes to improve and identify opportunities for improvement. the main results are able to identify, classify and relate the processes taking place in the organization, and represent them in a process map, and then determine the key processes for improvement, based on the analysis of value added at each process of each of the activities in it. derived from the results obtained are proposed and implemented a set of organizational improvements had a positive economic impact for the company under study, allowing a positive conclusion on the feasibility of implementation, flexibility and robustness of the procedure developed in technology-based companies single project productions of the water sector in cuba to support their business management. %K process improvement %K analysis of value added %K technology-based companies. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1668-87082012000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en