%0 Journal Article %T Aceptaci¨®n de aceite transg¨¦nico de distinto pa¨ªs de origen en la Regi¨®n de La Araucan¨ªa, Chile %A Schnettler M %A Berta %A Denegri %A Marianela %A Miranda %A Horacio %A Mora %A Marcos %A Sep¨²lveda %A Jos¨¦ %J Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X considering the rejection by consumers of genetically modified foods, and that the country of origin is used as an indicator of quality, a study was done of the relative importance of the existence of genetic modification (gm), the origin and the price in the purchase of sunflower oil in temuco through a survey of 400 people; at the same time different market segments were identified and characterized. it was determined by conjoint analysis that the existence of gm (36.0%) was slightly more important than country of origin (33.3%) and price (30.7%) in the total sample, with a preference for product with no gm, of chilean origin and at a lower price. three segments were distinguished by analysis of hierarchical conglomerates. the majority segment (45.5%) attributed great importance to the existence of gm and presented high rejection of transgenic vegetable oil. the second group (29.7%) assigned greater importance to the price and accepted argentinean oil. the minority group (24.8%) attributed greater importance to country of origin and accepted spanish oil. regardless of the above distinctions, all groups expressed a greater preference for chilean oil. the absence of gm in vegetable oil is a desirable condition for a large proportion of consumers (45.5%), but the rest were relatively indifferent to the existence or absence of genetic manipulation in this product. %K vegetable oil %K genetically modified foods %K country of origin. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1853-86652012000100011&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en