%0 Journal Article %T Efecto de la nutrici¨®n sobre la duraci¨®n del anestro postparto en vacas de cr¨ªa %A Donzelli %A M.V. %A Catalano %A R.C. %A Burges %A J.C. %A Machado %A C.F. %J InVet %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the reproductive efficiency is one of the key issues for achieving productive and economical success in cow-calf beef systems. the nutritional condition of the cow, represented by the body condition score, is one of the main drivers of the productive response. a nutritional deficit pre or postpartum may extend the postpartum anestrus. thyroid, igf-i and prolactin hormones may contribute to the onset of postpartum normal link between hypothalamus- hipophisis - ovary. body condition score is a relevant monitoring variable as a management tool for adequate decision making to achieve optimum outcomes both in reproduction and in profitability. the use of mathematical models helps to understand the involved processes for research and teaching. %K bovine %K calving %K body condition %K oestrus %K ovulation. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1668-34982010000200008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en