%0 Journal Article %T Frecuencia espont¨˘nea en inducida de micron¨²cleos transplacentarios en ratas Sprague Dawley %A Arencibia %A D.F. %A Rosario %A L.A %A Su¨˘rez %A Y.E %A Delgado %A L %J InVet %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the aim of this work were to determine the spontaneous and induced frequency of transplacental micronucleis in sprague dawley rats, demonstrating the clastogenic or aneugenic effects in the fetus through the maternal exposure, and their linking with the genotoxic and reproductive effect. four experimental groups were formed, 1) negative control (mockery), 2) solvent control nacl (0,9 %), 3) cyclophosphamide to 50 mg/kg, and 4) bleomycin to 30 mg/kg. all the groups were administered the 14, 15 and 16 days of the gestation by intraperitoneal route. 48 h to the last inoculation was preceded to the euthanasia, being obtained the maternal bone marrow and fetal liver samples. bigger induction of damage was observed in fetal hepatic cells when it was compared with maternal bone marrow cells. it was demonstrated that the cyclophosphamide is able to induce bigger citotoxicity and genotoxicity that the bleomycin in both cellular types, demonstrating the transplacental clastogenic potential of both mutagens linking this genotoxicity assay to the reproduction. these results are used in the new drugs evaluation with antigenotoxic effects by transplacental route. %K transplacental micronucleus %K sprague dawley rats %K genotoxicity %K pregnancy. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1668-34982011000100006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en