%0 Journal Article %T Estrat¨¦gias de melhoria do ambiente t¨¦rmico diurno em situa£¿£¿o de ver£¿o de uma fra£¿£¿o urbana da cidade de S£¿o Paulo %A Minella %A Flavia Cristina Osaku %A Honjo %A Susan %A Kr¨¹ger %A Eduardo Leite %J Ambiente Constru¨ªdo %D 2012 %I Associa??o Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Constru¨ªdo %R 10.1590/S1678-86212012000400010 %X the aim of this research work is to analyze microclimatic conditions in two districts with different land use in the city of s£¿o paulo, the bel¨¦m and jardim paulista urban fractions. changes in the thermal environment (during daytime and under summer conditions) of the less vegetated site were assessed by simulating an increase in the number of trees. microclimate data were obtained by simultaneous field measurements in february 2011, totaling 13 hours of daytime measurements, carried out in two days. the analysis of variables related to the characteristics of urban microclimate has sought to explain the discrepancies between the thermal environments in each region. the results of the computer simulations, using the envi-met software, indicate that the strategy of distributed vegetation with trees along the street, on both sides, can reduce air temperature to 1.8 oc. %K thermal environment %K vegetation %K envi-met %K urban climate simulations. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1678-86212012000400010&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en