%0 Journal Article %T An¨¢lise de desconforto t¨¦rmico local em ambientes cir¨²rgicos com o uso de manequim, medi£¿£¿o de vari¨¢veis ambientais e avalia£¿£¿o subjetiva %A Felix %A Victor Barbosa %A Pereira %A Marcelo Luiz %A Moura %A Danilo de %A Tribess %A Arlindo %J Ambiente Constru¨ªdo %D 2012 %I Associa??o Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Constru¨ªdo %R 10.1590/S1678-86212012000100008 %X in the evaluation of thermal comfort in indoor environments it is not enough to perform the analysis of the comfort conditions for the body as a whole, since it is also necessary to examine the conditions of local thermal discomfort. in complex environments, such as surgical environments, where team members occupy different positions in the surgical environment and perform distinct activities, an analysis of the conditions of local thermal discomfort becomes even more necessary. this study analysed local thermal discomfort conditions due to radiant temperature asymmetry, vertical differences in air temperature and the risk of draughts through the use of mannequins, measurements of environmental variables and subjective evaluation. results of the subjective evaluation showed dissatisfaction levels of up to 35% of anaesthesiologists and nurses regarding draughts, and up to 85% of surgeons regarding the heat of the surgical focus. similar results were obtained from the measurement of environmental variables and the use of mannequins. these results confirm the great difficulty of providing thermal comfort in such an environment. however, the use of different analysis tools can assist in finding the best possible thermal comfort conditions for all members of the surgical team. %K local thermal discomfort %K mannequins %K equivalent temperatures %K subjective evaluation %K surgical environments. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1678-86212012000100008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en