%0 Journal Article %T Impacto de la aplicaci¨®n de la Ley 13059 de Eficiencia Energ¨¦tica en relaci¨®n a la nueva Ordenanza de Usos del Suelo de la ciudad de La Plata y la Norma IRAM 11900 de Etiquetado de Edificios %A Vagge %A Carolina Soledad %A Czajkowski %A Jorge Daniel %J Ambiente Constru¨ªdo %D 2012 %I Associa??o Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Constru¨ªdo %R 10.1590/S1678-86212012000200003 %X urban growth produces constant pressure on metropolitan areas. in developing countries the energy demand is growing at a faster pace than the population and energy supply, generating crisis and scarcity. the main goal of this paper is to forecast the impact of energy efficiency act 13059 with regards to the new land use ordinance of the city of la plata and the building labeling standard iram 11900. this standard provides a simplified methodology for calculating the level of energy efficiency of building envelopes that can be heated. however, there is a significant lack of fit between the theoretical objectives formulated for the development of the city and the conflicting technical strategies proposed to achieve them. as for the enforcement of energy efficiency laws in the usual building model in la plata, it does not check their thermal transmittance values of k, nor does it check the risk of condensation or global loss coefficient g. similarly, when applying the energy efficiency labeling protocol established by iram 11900, the building classifies as h. one can see that the impact of potential savings in annual energy demand for heating would be 46%, if the energy efficiency act were implemented. %K rational use of energy %K building density %K environmental quality %K urban landscape. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1678-86212012000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en