%0 Journal Article %T Motivaciones gen¨¦ticas y experienciales: el discurso de las MSPE sobre la fecundaci¨®n asistida como v¨ªa de acceso a la maternidad en solitario %A Jociles Rubio %A Mar¨ªa Isabel %A Rivas Rivas %A Ana Mar¨ªa %J Alteridades %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X this article analyzes the discourse on the motivations that single mothers by choice (smc) display in order to choose for or against the use of artificial insemination as a path to single parenthood. these discourses, produced in qualitative interviews as well as in other contexts of interaction (internet jorums, kedadas or informal get-togethers, female gatherings, etc.), have been subject to observation in the context of an ethnographic research conducted in madrid, spain, during 2008-2009. the results show that smc claim two main types of motivations for choosing or rejecting this method to access motherhood: one refers to the importance granted to the genetic link between the mother and her son or daughter, and the other to the opportunity to experience "physical" motherhood. the study also considers the dichotomies that these women produce between biological and adoptive reproduction, and between the ideas of natural and artificial. %K single parenthood %K single mothers by choice (smc) %K international adoption %K assisted reproduction %K motivations for adopting. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0188-70172010000100009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en