%0 Journal Article %T Din¨¢mica de la econom¨ªa agroexportadora de Zulia con la explotaci¨®n petrolera en Venezuela (1914-1935) %A Berm¨²dez Bri£¿ez %A Nilda %A Rodr¨ªguez Arrieta %A Marisol %J Am¨¦rica Latina en la historia econ¨®mica %D 2012 %I Instituto de Investigaciones %X the article pretends to approach the historical process of the maracaibo's agricultural exporting circuit during the first decades of xx century and its strengthening generated by the incorporation of the petroleum exploitation that stirred the zulia's trade debilitated in the last stage of the nineties. during this conjuncture, the new mining activity acted as a revitalizing and of integration element of the lacustrine mercantile center due to the increase of the business of creoles and foreigners who managed to reactivate the trade of import on having invested the capitals in goods and services with local, regional and international demand. in the investigation it was used the historical method that allowed the identification of the factors that intervened in the process of rearrangement that was given in the circuit across the information that the diverse analyzed sources contributed. %K agricultural exporting circuit %K petroleum industry %K zulia %K xix-xx centuries. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1405-22532012000100006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en