%0 Journal Article %T En primera persona: nosotras, investigadoras feministas %A Hern¨˘ndez %A Adriana %A Reybet %A Carmen %J La aljaba %D 2008 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X in this work we depart from our experience as researchers in the field of gender and we intend to reflect on the difficulties, limits and tensions we faced when we participated in a wider research project where gender constituted just a category of analysis. the project was wide in the sense that included both many axes of analysis and researchers placed in different geographical points of the country. the object of study had been constituted from diverse theoretical traditions that transcended those we where used to work with. we believe that the experience we went through in this process recreates a problematic common to many researchers that intend to articulate gender perspectives in objects of study that are conceptualized from other theoretical fields, without taking into account the intersections that need to be built. this question refers to epistemological considerations. our immediate agenda, which is certainly new in terms of our work, is a humble contribution to the wider challenge of approaching the constitution of science as androcentric. in the present article we offer a brief theoretical base and we reflect on the design, field work, and a few results, offering some elements to give an account of some of the difficulties we faced working with other colleagues pertaining to theoretical fields others than gender studies. %K epistemology %K gender %K research. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1669-57042008000100009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en