%0 Journal Article %T An¨¢lisis de cadenas de Markov y series de Fourier en una secuencia hemipel¨¢gica del Jur¨¢sico superior de la Pen¨ªnsula Ant¨¢rtica %A Kietzmann %A Diego A. %A Cuiti£¿o %A Jos¨¦ I. %A Medina %A Rub¨¦n A. %A Scaso %A Roberto A. %J Latin American journal of sedimentology and basin analysis %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the upper jurassic strata of the larsen basin, in the northeastern tip of the antarctic peninsula (fig. 1), consist of thin, well-bedded, radiolarian-rich shales, fallout tuffs and volcaniclastic sandstones, grouped in a stratigraphic unit known as ameghino formation (or nordenskj£¿ld formation for british authors - see whitham and doyle, 1989). the ameghino formation succession records a fine-grained and high-rate continuous suspensive sedimentation in a quiet hemipelagic environment, with little reworking at the bottom. a 1.3 m-thick representative section for the upper member of the ameghino formation was sampled bed by bed and studied under petrographic microscopy for microfacies determination. cyclicity was defined by means of markov chain analysis and fourier series (blackman- tukey and wavelet methods). microfacies: the succession is composed of a microfacies association of radiolarianrich shales (p1), black shales (p2), bioturbated and peloidal shales (p3), tuffs (t) and sandstones (a) superbly preserved (figs. 2 and 3). sedimentation took place in an oxygen-depleted environment, periodically interrupted by rapid, event-sedimentation mostly caused by large explosive eruptions at the volcanic arc of the antarctic peninsula. the p1 and p2 microfacies are interpreted as the result of the deposition from pelagic suspensions during cycles of varying biological productivity or terrigenous dilution. the microfacies p3 represents similar conditions of sedimentation but higher oxygenation levels at the bottoms. on the other hand, microfacies t and a correspond to fallout deposits and distal turbiditic flows respectively. microfacies t is associated with siliciclastic explosive volcanic eruptions and microfacies a with reworking of primary pyroclastic deposits. markov chain and fourier series analysis: markov chain analysis reveal cyclic relations between some microfacies with single step transition dependence (figs. 4 and 5). transition diagram shows statistically sig %K microfacies %K markov chains %K fourier series %K ameghino formation %K upper jurassic %K antarctic peninsula. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1851-49792009000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en